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August is here—it’s time for the move to college. As you prepare yourself and your child for their upcoming departure from the nest, you should be thinking about what exactly goes into a move to college. Instead of trying to stuff everything your student owns into a small apartment or dorm room, focus on the necessities. Your college student will need things like:

Bedding and Decor. No one wants to live in an empty box. Pick a couple of favorite wall hangings and a family photo at the minimum. And make sure you send two sets of bedding so sheets can be changed and laundered regularly.

Laundry, Bathroom, and Kitchen supplies. Keeping clean is important. Note that a dorm may use a communal bathroom, which is going to require a couple of extra items like flip-flops and a water-resistant bag. And a kitchen may need a small set of pots and pans with accessories, or simply some microwavable dishware depending on how much “kitchen” is available.

Tech Devices. Don’t send along every single phone, tablet, PC, and game system. Send a reliable cell phone and a laptop or Chromebook for the first semester. Your student can use those two devices for all their scholastic and entertainment options at first.

Documents. Your student will need access to important documents for registration and emergencies. Make sure you are retaining copies of all important docs at home, and that your student has a way to secure their personal docs.
GreenLight Movers moves college students to their new locations every year. If you have any questions about prepping for the big day or would like a quote to let their professionals handle your move for you, contact them today.